About us

    Hello everyone,

    My name is John McAllister, and I am a seasoned expert in the tobacco industry. I’ve spent the better part of my life studying, understanding, and contributing to this fascinating sector. I currently reside in the beautiful country of Scotland, where the rolling hills and the crisp air provide a perfect backdrop for my work and hobbies.

    My journey in the tobacco industry began with the renowned company, British American Tobacco, where I served as a Quality Assurance Specialist. My role was to ensure that every product we shipped out met the highest standards of quality and safety. After a successful stint there, I moved on to Philip Morris International, where I was the Director of Product Development. Here, I led a team of brilliant minds to innovate and create some of the most popular tobacco products in the market today.

    Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to receive several awards for my work. The most notable among them is the ‘Tobacco Industry Innovator of the Year’ award, which I received in 2021. This recognition was for my contribution to developing a new curing process that significantly reduced harmful substances in tobacco.

    In addition to my professional accomplishments, I am an avid collector of vintage tobacco pipes. This hobby allows me to appreciate the craftsmanship and history behind these beautiful pieces. I also enjoy hiking in the Scottish highlands and playing the bagpipes, a skill I picked up during my time here.

    I believe in the power of communication and am always open to discussing the nuances of the tobacco industry. You can reach me via phone at +44 1374 5792490, or email me at mailto:[email protected]
    I’m also active on social media. You can find me on Facebook under the username @JohnMcAllisterTobaccoExpert, and on Twitter as @JMcAllisterTobacco.

    I look forward to engaging with you all and sharing my insights and experiences. Remember, every day is a great day to learn something new!

    Best regards,
    John McAllister