Growing Tobacco in Turkey

A panoramic view of a Stambul

This journey from seed to smoke is a fascinating exploration of tradition, agriculture, and commerce. Join us as we delve into the world of Turkish tobacco farming, unearthing the secrets of this age-old practice.

Growing tobacco in Turkey involves a meticulous process that starts with the planting of seeds in specially prepared beds. The young plants are carefully nurtured, watered, and protected from pests. When the leaves reach their peak, they are harvested by hand, a labor-intensive process that requires skill and dedication. The unique combination of soil and climate in Turkey, along with the various varieties of tobacco grown, contribute to the distinct flavor and aroma of Turkish tobacco[1].

The History of Tobacco in Turkey

The Ottoman Era and Tobacco

Tobacco has a long and storied history in Turkey, dating back to the Ottoman Empire. Introduced in the 17th century, it quickly became a staple crop, with its cultivation spreading across the empire.
Modern Day Tobacco Cultivation

Fast forward to the present day, and tobacco farming remains a significant part of the Turkish agricultural sector. Despite the challenges, farmers continue to cultivate this golden leaf, preserving a tradition that spans centuries.

The Process of Growing Tobacco

Planting the Seeds

The journey of Turkish tobacco starts with the planting of seeds. These tiny seeds are sown in specially prepared beds, marking the beginning of a meticulous process that requires patience and skill.
Nurturing the Crop

Once the seedlings sprout, they are carefully nurtured. The young plants are watered, protected from pests, and given all the care they need to thrive. This stage is crucial, setting the foundation for a successful harvest.
Harvesting the Leaves

When the leaves reach their peak, they are harvested by hand. This labor-intensive process is a testament to the dedication of the farmers, who work tirelessly to ensure the quality of their crop.

The Unique Aspects of Turkish Tobacco

The Soil and Climate

What sets Turkish tobacco apart is the unique combination of soil and climate. The fertile lands and the Mediterranean climate create the perfect conditions for growing tobacco, contributing to its distinct flavor and aroma.
The Tobacco Varieties

Turkey is home to several varieties of tobacco, each with its unique characteristics. From the robust Samsun to the aromatic Izmir, the diversity of Turkish tobacco is truly remarkable.

The Economic Impact of Tobacco in Turkey

The Role of Tobacco in the Economy

Tobacco plays a significant role in the Turkish economy. It provides employment to thousands of people and contributes to the country’s exports. Despite the challenges, the tobacco industry remains resilient, adapting to the changing times.
The Future of Tobacco Farming

Looking ahead, the future of tobacco farming in Turkey is uncertain. With changing global trends and increasing health awareness, the industry faces numerous challenges. However, the resilience and adaptability of the Turkish farmers give hope for the future.

The Cultural Significance of Tobacco in Turkey

Tobacco in Turkish Society

Tobacco holds a special place in Turkish society. It is not just a crop, but a part of the cultural fabric. From the traditional nargile (water pipe) to the ubiquitous Turkish cigarette, tobacco is deeply ingrained in the Turkish lifestyle.
The Tradition of Tobacco Farming

Tobacco farming is more than just an occupation; it’s a tradition passed down through generations. Despite the hard work and challenges, farmers take pride in their craft, preserving a legacy that is deeply rooted in the Turkish countryside.


In conclusion, the story of tobacco in Turkey is a tale of tradition, resilience, and adaptability. From its historical roots to its modern-day significance, tobacco continues to be an integral part of the Turkish landscape. As we navigate the changing tides, one thing remains certain: the legacy of Turkish tobacco will continue to burn bright, a testament to the spirit of the Turkish farmer.


Turkey is one of the top tobacco-producing countries in the world. In 2019, Turkey produced around 70,000 metric tons of tobacco. The Aegean region is the leading tobacco-producing area in the country, accounting for approximately 65% of total production[2].


  1. Who are the main producers of tobacco in Turkey?
  • The main producers of tobacco in Turkey are small-scale farmers located primarily in the Aegean region.
  1. What types of tobacco are grown in Turkey?
  • Several varieties of tobacco are grown in Turkey, including Samsun, Izmir, and Basma types.
  1. Where is tobacco mainly grown in Turkey?
  • The Aegean region is the primary area for tobacco cultivation in Turkey.
  1. Why is tobacco farming significant in Turkey?
  • Tobacco farming is significant in Turkey due to its economic impact, providing employment to thousands of people and contributing to the country’s exports.
  1. How is tobacco cultivated in Turkey?
  • Tobacco in Turkey is cultivated through a meticulous process that involves planting seeds in specially prepared beds, nurturing the young plants, and hand-harvesting the leaves when they reach their peak.
  1. Is tobacco farming in Turkey sustainable?
  • The sustainability of tobacco farming in Turkey depends on various factors, including environmental conditions, market demand, and government policies.
  1. Can tobacco farming in Turkey adapt to changing global trends?
  • Yes, the tobacco industry in Turkey has shown resilience and adaptability in the face of changing global trends and increasing health awareness.
  1. Does the Turkish government support tobacco farming?
  • The Turkish government provides support to the tobacco industry in various ways, including subsidies and technical assistance to farmers.
  1. Will tobacco farming continue to be a significant industry in Turkey?
  • While there are challenges due to changing global trends and increasing health awareness, tobacco farming is likely to remain a significant industry in Turkey due to its economic and cultural importance.


  1. “Tobacco: Production, Chemistry, and Technology” by Davis DL, Nielsen MT.
  2. “Golden Leaf, Bitter Harvest: Tobacco Farming in Third World Countries” by Catherine Caufield.

Sources of information:



  1. FAO. (n.d.). Tobacco Production in Turkey. Retrieved from(
  2. Tobacco Atlas. (n.d.). Turkey. Retrieved from